Yes. FAS8060A currently running 9.5. 



On Jul 5, 2019, at 5:37 PM, tmac <> wrote:

What is the system? Is it capable of running 7-mode?


Tim McCarthy, Principal Consultant

Proud Member of the #NetAppATeam

I Blog at TMACsRack

On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 11:35 PM Carolyn Chambers <> wrote:
1) we have an 800TB 7mode system 

2) we have a new OnTap 9 that has a 7mtt replica

3) the 7mode system is being dismantled and physically moved by truck about 6 hours away. 

4) we would like a 7mode snapmirror on a third system that is not being moved

5) we want to use 7mtt cutover tool after the move (based on the customers availability) and not do it manually in the middle of the move. 

We need to downgrade a 9.5 system to 7mode. Can you help with that?



On Jul 5, 2019, at 5:19 PM, tmac <> wrote:

The point of 7mtt is to mirror to ONTAP and then cut-over. Yes, it is one way but we have customers doing it quite frequently.
It is not a move, it is a SnapMirror (Transition Data Protection or TDP Mirror).
As along as the mirror portions finish, cutting over is pretty straight forward.

If something unforeseen happens and a manual cut-over has to happen, so be it. It should not be too difficult.


Tim McCarthy, Principal Consultant

Proud Member of the #NetAppATeam

I Blog at TMACsRack

On Fri, Jul 5, 2019 at 11:02 PM Carolyn Chambers <> wrote:
Source is already 7mtt’d but shipping a 7 mode system and need a copy we can run from. 

Concerned that if the 7mode system does not make the move well we would have to manually finish 7mtt. 



On Jul 5, 2019, at 4:37 PM, Tim McCarthy <> wrote:

Um... Use 7-mode transition tool from the support site

It allows one way TDP mirrors from 7-mode to any ONTAP release up to 9.5

It will not work with 9.6

No need to downgrade. Honestly to do that is a ton of work and not all platforms can go back that far anyway.

Your NetApp sales team really should have informed you about 7MTT.


From: on behalf of Carolyn Chambers <>
Sent: Friday, July 5, 2019 9:57 PM
Subject: Need to quickly downgrade from 9.5 to 8.2.4

We are the middle of move planning and need to snapmirror some 7 Mode data.

The gear we have for the destination is from the factory with 9.5.

The usual netboot is throwing errors.

Any suggestions?



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