Be sure on your distances.
I think you are allowed up to 300M on a fiber from filer to switch for 10G. If you are using patch panels, that length drops.

If your NFS is only vmware datastores, just create a new datastore and storage vmotion. Dont overthink it

If your NFS/CIFS is normal user data, Then you should be able to do a "vol move" from the old AFF to the new AFF and then provided networking is the same, you can also modify the home-node/port of the LIF and move it to the A300s with nearly no disruption.

For iSCSI, if you have full multipathing going, and the networking is the same on the old/new aff, then you could (ONE AT A TIME):
set adv
net int mod -vserv xxx -lif iscsi_lifa -status-admin down
net int mod  vserv xxx -lif iscsi_lifa -home-node a300-a -home-port new-port
net int mod -vserv xxx -lif iscsi_lifa -status-admin up
set admin
WAIT 8 minutes, let multipathing stabilize. Verify at the hosts all paths up. Do the next one.


Tim McCarthy, Principal Consultant

Proud Member of the #NetAppATeam

I Blog at TMACsRack

On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 7:40 AM Heino Walther <> wrote:

Hi there


We have to migrate our existing AFF8080 which has NFSv3, ISCSI and CIFS data on it to a new location.

The plan is to add a temp A300 in the new location, and add it to the AFF8080’s cluster with two cluster switches (they are sub 200M apart)

ISCSI and CIFS should be fairly simple to migrate, but NFSv3 is IP-centric, so as we start the migration volume by volume, the data path for some of our vmware host will be extended somewhat…

It will go via the AFF8080’s configured IP address over the cluster network to the A300 controller that holds the volume, and back again.

Has anyone tried this with success?

Of cause another way would be to migrate the VMs from the VMWare side, which I would like to avoid if possible, but I am a bit worried about the added latency over the cluster network…


Should I be worried?





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