Yea, we don’t have that problem. Fill your aggr up? Cool. Shrink the volume. Turn off space guarantees. Delete volumes. Whatever.
Used to get the “I used up my space” call all the time when I was in support. Always had a (mostly) happy ending.
From: []
On Behalf Of Fred Grieco
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2015 7:55 AM
To: Toasters
Subject: Completely filling and aggregate
Has anyone ever completely, completely (like with luns and overallocation) filled an aggregate? Were you able to reuse the aggregate again once you reduced the space (presumably by shrinking or deleting a volume or two)? Assume this
is not the root aggregate. Putting aside how bad it is, how all the vols will fill and luns will go offline, how the performance will never be right, fragmentation, etc, this is recoverable, right? I'm testing a competitor's product- known for thin provisioning- and it completely went off the rails after I did this accidentally. I mean... Delete everything, start over, and a big fat "don't do that then" from support. TIA, Fred |