They use TiB on the 400T max aggregate size and GiB on the right size, so 3718 GiB is the right sized 4TB disk.  That is where I was getting the 107 from.


They do say the aggregate capacity is based on right sized in writing, but buried in the “Physical Storage Management Guide”, and everyone has better things to do (except me) than reading that!




From: Jeffrey Mohler []
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 8:42 PM
To: Timothy Naple; 'Toasters'
Subject: Re: Max Aggr Size is based on..


400/3.815=104.85 is pure raw.

400/3.807=105.07 is right-sized raw.

Tuna, is best served, raw.




Jeff Mohler

Tech Yahoo, Storage Architect, Principal

YPAC Gold Member

Twitter: @PrincipalYahoo
CorpIM:  Hipchat & Iris



On Monday, February 8, 2016 8:34 PM, Timothy Naple <> wrote:


It is based on the right sized capacity.  So if this was The Price is Right, the 105 would win.  I think the actual answer is 107.



From: [] On Behalf Of Jeffrey Mohler
Sent: Monday, February 08, 2016 8:24 PM
To: Toasters
Subject: Max Aggr Size is based on..


Marketing disk size (4T)


Raw block size (3.815T)

Which makes a 400T aggr either 100 disks, or 105.

Beer bet to settle here.   :)