this works fine.   we have done this several times on our clusters before without any issues.

Daniel Leeds
Senior Systems Administrator

-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Stephen C. Losen
Sent: Thu 4/26/2007 4:52 AM
Subject: Hot add first shelf to loop?

We are going to start a new FC disk loop.  The new shelf is DS14mk2
with ESH2 modules and we will connect it to a X2050B-R5 adapter.
This is a FAS960c clustered pair running DOT so we will
connect the shelf to both heads.  We want to do the same thing
with a second shelf on the other head.

Can this be done without taking down the filers?  I checked NOW and
only found instructions for hot adding a shelf to an existing loop,

A little more info...

We have a downtime scheduled to install the new FC adapters
in the heads.  We have two new shelves in a new cabinet for
which we do not have power yet.  If the circuits have been run
before the downtime, then we are OK.  If not, then we will install
the adapters in the heads and connect the shelves later when we
have power, but we want to avoid a second downtime for that.

If we must power down the head to add the first shelf, then we
can't use cf takeover and giveback because the shelf is connected
to both heads.

Another possibility would be to run extension cords to the new
shelves and when we get power to the cabinet, switch the power
plugs one at a time so the shelves don't lose power.

The netapp cabinet is powered by 220V circuits, and I suppose
the outlets in the cabinet are also 220V.  Can we run extension
cords from 110V circuits to power the shelves temporarily?

Steve Losen    phone: 434-924-0640

University of Virginia               ITC Unix Support