It looks like we’re
getting funding for our DR project. The bare bones are using snapmirror to
replicate an Oracle DB offsite alone with a few dozen front end/infrastructure
VMs. Two of the items we’ve been quoted by our vendor are SnapDrive &
SnapRestore. I can understand snaprestore but why would I need snapdrive at the
DR site? I don’t even use it at our primary site, the Oracle system is
very static, we do not have the hardware capacity to run a cloned instance and I’m
comfortable with scripting a snapshot. I tried reading NetApp’s SnapDrive
document and it looks like it will do every buzzword under the sun but I
have no idea what it really gets me other than the ability to see/control
snapshots from the server – which I don’t want. In addition it
breaks the KISS idea which is important, especially since this system will be
in another geographical location and not have as many eyes on it as a live
system would.
Am I missing