

I am starting to look into a possible rollover of our 7-mode IBM N-Series

systems to new NetApp CDOT systems. 


I run backups with snapmirror and snapvault that are controlled

by a AIX ksh script.  The ksh script runs the following cmds to

perform the data transfers:


snapmirror update -S ${filerpri}:${vol} -w ${filerdr}:${vol}

 snapvault snap create -w $vol $vol


Note the '-w' parm. 

I run these cmds in forground, so all backups are single threaded and

return a response back to the script.


I'm looking at CDOT cmds manual for an equivalent '-w' parm.

I find the following for the "snapmirror update" cmd:


  [-foreground | -w [true]] - Foreground Process

  This specifies whether the operation runs as a foreground process.

  If this parameter is specified, the default setting is true

  (the operation runs in the foreground). When set to true, the command

  will not return until the process completes. This parameter is only

  applicable to relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2".


Q)  What does "applicable to relationships with "Relationship Capability" of "Pre 8.2"  mean?


Does this mean that a CDOT>8.2 system doesn't support this parm?










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