Failover groups are not created automatically.  It is very tricky to determine programmatically that ports are really on the same network.  Although it would be sane to use the same port on each node for the same purpose, it is not required.  Also, we wouldn’t know that two ports on the same node are on the same network.


There is no value in node management ports failing over to another node if the first node goes down.  If it’s down, you can’t manage it anyway, so no point in having them fail over.  However, it makes certain sense to have a failover group within the node, if you have multiple ports on the mgmt network.  If you have a problem with a port or cable, the LIF would fail over and you could still manage the node.  Your command output doesn’t show multiple ports on the mgmt net, so the failover groups don’t do anything.


Your cluster mgmt LIF should have a failover group with a port on each node.


Share and enjoy!




From: [] On Behalf Of Iluhes
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2015 2:44 PM
To: Toasters
Subject: cmod failover group


Hi Folks,

Do the failover group get generated by netapp intial install?

Somehow I have a group call "0ba_fg" on the node that is called 06b. Looks like someone made a typo.

But most importantly: It look like the policy for node mgmt IP only have 1 node in it, is that right? Should the second node be in the policy for mgmt1 for each node?

the way it is setup now, will it failover?


         Logical         Home                  Failover        Failover

Vserver  Interface       Node:Port             Policy          Group

-------- --------------- --------------------- --------------- ---------------


         clus1           06a:e0a           nextavail       system-defined

         clus2           06a:e0c           nextavail       system-defined

         mgmt1           06a:e0M           nextavail       06a_fg

                         Failover Targets: 06a:e0M


         clus1           06b:e0a           nextavail       system-defined

         clus2           06b:e0c           nextavail       system-defined

         mgmt1           06b:e0M           nextavail       0ba_fg   




Group               Node              Port

------------------- ----------------- ----------


                    06a           e0M


                    06b           e0M