Im of the mind that a BYP needs more attention that just a disk swap..but it does need more attention from NGS, it would appear.
If the same slot continues to show BYP with new disks, it is likely a bad shelf.
Tim McCarthy
Principal Consultant
RedHat Certified Engineer
804006984323821 (RHEL4)
805007643429572 (RHEL5)
2012/2/24 Fletcher Cocquyt <>:
> But this is totally unacceptable!
> Who else is putting up with this!?
> On Feb 24, 2012, at 1:20 AM, Jacek wrote:
> On 2012-02-24 08:05, Fletcher Cocquyt wrote:
> We've discovered a couple of these bypassed disk conditions via the flashing
> amber light - but this was noticed totally out of band with normal support
> Each time we opened a case manually and Netapp immediately sent out a disk
> replacement.
> So why is a bypassed disk not treated as a failed disk ? This kind of
> silent failure (in terms of Netapp monitoring and alerts) in a lights out
> datacenter seems negligent.
> Message logged on syslog server:
> esh.bypass.err.disk:error]: Disk 4d.49 on channels 4d/PARTNER disk shelf ID
> 3 ESH A bay 1 Bypassed due to the drive self bypass.
> In my previous job I worked as NAS admin managing about 100 filers. I had
> long discussions with NetApp but it looks like they do not understand the
> problem:
> - Why the disk is bypassed?
> - Because it achieved threshold of errors and it was pro-actively removed
> from the disk pool.
> - So it was actually failed and should be replaced. Why is it not marked as
> failed and filer status does not reflect it?
> - Because the disk is not failed. It is bypassed.
> ...
> And so on...
> BTW: I read the KB article on bypassed disks and ran the CMD to highlight
> BYP but it did not show BYP
> We maintained our own script that collected data from several commands to be
> aware of any type of disk problems. It always picked up bypassed disks even
> if it was not marked as BYP.
> We observed that number of all disk problems decreased when we started to
> use Disk Maintenance Center however sometimes we had to start disk tests
> manually.
> Best regards,
> Jacek
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