Well, if your user can put all those files in a qtree, that would help, since you can enable/disable oplocks per qtree...

If they're all over the place, you're out of luck as far as I can tell.

my 2 cents


sent from my smartphone, please excuse typos...

On Oct 31, 2014 9:27 PM, "Eric Peng" <epeng@esri.com> wrote:

Thanks, Basil.  This setting seems to be a “global” setting for enabling/disabling oplocks feature on the NetApp.  What the user is looking for is more fine-tuned control of specifying a list of files not to be impacted by oplocks, when enabled.  Not sure if this capability is present in the NetApp, so wanted to reconfirm with the NetApp community.  J





From: Basil [mailto:basilberntsen@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2014 1:02 PM
To: Eric Peng
Cc: toasters@teaparty.net
Subject: Re: working with oplocks


I found this:


"Disabling CIFS oplocks and lease oplocks disables all oplocks to or from the storage system."


On Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 3:42 PM, Eric Peng <epeng@esri.com> wrote:

I have an end user who would like to be able to use a “veto oplock files” setting (found in Samba) on the NetApp, but from what I can tell this feature does not appear to be available.  Seems to me that oplocks handling on the NetApp is more simplified (either enabled or disabled).  Wanted to confirm if this is the case, or are there ways to emulate the “veto oplock files” setting feature on the NetApp?  I am running SMB 2.0 on our NetApp (7-mode), DOT 8.1.4 P1.





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