As far as I am aware, you cannot do this on the filer directly.
If the data set isn't too unwieldy and you have some time to let it run, you could:
1) Create flexclone from the snapshot you want to compare against
2) Export flexclone to a Linux utility host, mount it r/o
3) Take snapshot of live filesystem
4) Create flexclone from the snapshot you just created
5) Export flexclone to the same Linux utility host, mount it r/o
5a) Recursively diff the entirety of the two flexclones (diff -urN /oldFC /newFC | tee ~/myFcDiff.txt)
5a1) This assumes everything being compared is readable text, which may not be true at all. The '-a' argument to diff could be of use, but probably not.
5b) Recursively calculate md5 hashes of files in both flexclone mountpoints (find /oldFC -xdev -type f -exec md5sum {} \; | tee ~/myOldFCHash.txt and the same for the /newFC mountpoint), then sort the files, then use either diff or comm to figure out what files have changed (or haven't)
There are probably better ways to do this but it's what popped into my head first. Hope this helps.
Ian Ehrenwald
Senior Infrastructure Engineer
Hachette Book Group, Inc.
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From: <> on behalf of John Adams <>
Sent: Friday, April 6, 2018 9:38:21 AM
Subject: What's changing and taking up space in snapshots?
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Is there a way to see the changed/deleted files that are taking space in snapshots?
(7 Mode, 8.2 NFS/CIFS access.)
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