Hi Skip,
The product in question is SnapManager for Exchange 5.5. This version of SME uses a volume based snaprestore to recover the databases (assuming you have the logs and databases on different volumes). What will happen is that when you perform a SME restore you will revert the ENTIRE volume back to that point in time, including your 100GB. This is probably something that you do NOT want to do, unless perhaps, the 100GB of data never changes. In addition to that, the snapshots you create outside of SME will not be usable to restore Exchange.
You have two choices:
1) Create a new volume and move all user data that is not part of the Exchange database to that new volume. This is your best option.
2) Configure SME to use one volume for both the databases and the logs. The downside to this is that your restore times will increase significantly because the restore will NOT be using a volume snaprestore.
Please let us know if you have any further questions. Happy snappin'
Paul Benn
NetApp Engineering
SnapManager Team
-----Original Message-----
From: SKIP HOFMANN [mailto:SKIP.HOFMANN@ttisg.com]
Sent: Wednesday, June 02, 2004 4:43 PM
To: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: Excage databse

Hi all


I am currently using snap manager for exchange version 1.1.1 and I am reading the documentation over at http://now.netapp.com/NOW/knowledge/docs/SnapManager/relsme111r2/pdfs/smesag.pdf and it says that I should not put any data on the same volume as the exchange database. Can some please explain why this is? I already have 100 gigs of data on the same vol as my exchange DB please advice



Do not put any other files or data (including transaction logs) on the same

volumes with the Exchange databases if you are going to make use of

SnapManager Restore using SnapRestore. This type of recovery performs a

volume recovery using the snapshot of the Exchange databases and all other files

and data on the volume. Therefore, the other files and data are recovered to the

time of the snapshot along with the Exchange databases. This result might not be

acceptable when performing a SnapManager Restore with SnapRestore recovery.


Thanks for any help