Unless NTAP changes the code, if you swap any disk for a larger size disk, the larger size disk
becomes the same size of the disk it replaced and you cannot recoup the extra space.

Find yourself a way to get temp power...even if that means running a few pieces of equipment on
half of their power supplies (just don't overload the circuit)!.


RedHat Certified Engineer #804006984323821 (RHEL4)
RedHat Certified Engineer #805007643429572 (RHEL5)

Principal Consultant

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 1:10 PM, Peta Spies <peta.spies@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

We have a ton of shelves with 320gb sata in them.  We'd like to
replace them with 1tb satas, but we have no power to power new
shelves, or much space for them for that matter.

I know that if I swap out one 320gb disk with a 1tb one, the netapp
will only use 320gb of the 1tb disk.  But if I did all 14, one at a
time so it syncs, what happens after I change the 14th disk?  Will the
netapp still only use 320gb per disk, or will it realise it has a
whole 1tb to play with?
