One word; SAMBA

If you are running unix/linux servers in the same environment, run samba on one of them and modify your share connection on the Norton bootdisk or whatever you are using. Eg net use z \\<unix_servername>\<samba_share_to_image_dir>. SAMBA will take care of all the authentication with your DC with your existing ghost userid. We use it for our pc/laptop images.


SAMBA and unix/linux. Never leave home without them!




-----Original Message-----
From: Hall, Tom []
Sent: Thursday, December 05, 2002 8:16 AM
To: 'steven boyer';
Subject: RE: Accessing Filer from DOS


I ran into a similar issue with a network boot disk that Norton Ghost made. I solved the problem by using Bart's network boot disk to connect to our filer. They seem to keep up with new dos drivers/utils for tcp/ip, ms network client, and nic drivers.


You can download the disk from


-----Original Message-----
From: steven boyer []
Sent: Wednesday, December 04, 2002 12:11 PM
Subject: Accessing Filer from DOS



If a NT server goes down, we want to be able to re-image the windows server from the filer. We must do this from a DOS prompt. So the question is how do I access the filer using DOS.

The following is the information from our NT Admin:


I am trying to connect to the filer at \\crsqfiler\image to create and store images of our WIN2K servers. I used Powerquest to create the boot disks (Powerquest Boot Disk Builder Version 5.01 Build Bdb501.012). I receive the following error when attempting to connect to the filer from DOS - Error 58 The network has responded incorrectly. Attempts to connect to other sharepoints on the filer are also unsuccessful. I can connect to any WIN2K Share with no problem. I have reviewed the issues in the NETAPP Knowledge base, as well as, Powerquest's knowledge base and can find no remedy


Has anyone been able to get this to work?

