Does the new 3070 will have new fresh disks?  If so, you don't need to edit anything on the new fresh installation.  Just backup /etc files for exports and shares.  If you have pre 7 Data ONTAP, you will have tu setup again NFS because there are some changes on the exports parameters, cifs shares are to quick to set them up.  What you have to be aware of, is the controllers and cables on your DSK14 shelves.  FAS3070 will came with DS14mk2, maybe mk4 (I wonder) and modules in old shelves must be ESH.

When you attach old shelves to the new filer, Ontap will recognize volumes, as a matter of fact, vol 0 will be renamed as vol0[1] and all information on them will be intact.

Good luck.

Javier Scanlan

Matt Phelps wrote:

We'll be replacing a 960 with a new 3070 soon and am wondering if anyone's
gone through this upgrade path yet.

Our current plan is to install 7.2.2 for the 3070 (which is an x86_64 based
OS) with the 960 still up, run "download" to put the boot stuff on the disks,
then edit the /etc/rc file to change the device names for the network interface,
then shutdown and swap the heads. Hopefully the 3070 will just come up and hum
right along.

Any gotchyas?


Javier Scanlan S.
Ingeniero de Sistemas
S&C Constructores de Sistemas

Av. Revolución # 2042, La Otra Banda, México D.F. C.P. 01090
Tel: (55) 5148-3737, Fax: (55) 5148-3757
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