We've tried devices from Paralan in the past and didn't have very good luck with them (odd backup errors, odd <apparent> hardware problems, etc.).  All of our issues went away when we removed the converters.  Unfortunately, I don't have model numbers.  We ended up going the FC-SCSI bridge route with several units from Chaparral.  
The Chaparral's were great.  The only reason we don't still use them is because we upgraded our backup hardware to FC-native technologies.  If you have the option (and $$) to purchase FC backup cards, I'd recommend this route.  IIRC...the Chaparral models we purchased were in the $3K - $5K range.

Jeff Mery - MCSE, MCP
National Instruments

"Allow me to extol the virtues of the Net Fairy, and of all the fantastic
dorks that make the nice packets go from here to there. Amen."
TB - Penny Arcade

Tim Longo <tlongo@avaya.com>
Sent by: owner-toasters@mathworks.com

02/22/2005 10:20 AM



We plan to migrate from a F740 to an FAS920. Since the 920 has an LVD
scsi connector, we'll need an LVD to HVD converter in order to continue
using our existing tape library.

Anyone using a converter of this type? I've seen several via google, so
I'm looking for some feedback from people using this option.

Thank you.