I suppose, somewhere between 1 and 100,000 would be about right.

I would call your sales machine, and ask for a PS Performance Review.

Not that Support cant say what its doing, but PS will tell you where it's been...and where it's going.

On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 5:54 PM, Edward Rolison <ed.rolison@gmail.com> wrote:
Does anyone have a very rough rule of thumb as to IOPs you might expect out of a controller? 

I've got a FAS6280 that's starting to 'be a bit sluggish'. I'm inclined to shrug and say 'yes, it's doing 20K IOPs'. 

I know there's very much an 'it depends' in there - but 'very rough' is good enough for me here. (Disk wise - it's not particularly high on disk utilisation, nor is the network bandwidth particularly full). 

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