It really depends on how much Oracle and CIFS traffic you have.
That being said, the FAS940 is a very capable filer. On one of the FAS940C cluster we are serving Oracle on NFS for over 1200 users and also serving CIFS traffic for about that many users without any problem. The main issue for Oracle is the number of disk that you are using. Our Oracle database is sitting on 2 dedicated volumes of 13 drives each and we might be adding more disks there to help with the performance. You really need to collect detail statistics to help decide things like that.
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Borowicz []
Sent: Monday, July 19, 2004 9:13 AM
Subject: Oracle on Filers

I may be asking the obvious here but who dedicates their Oracle->Filer traffic to just *one* Filer?  IE: That Filer *ONLY* handles Oracle->NFS->Filer traffic.
Our CIFS traffic has grown significantly since we bought our FAS940 and I'm now dubious about mixing CIFS/Desktop services with Enterprise critical Oracle services.
Currently we have a few small DB's (read-only) on the Filer but are moving to step things up over the next year with Regards to Oracle. (we are looking at RAC).
So:  Would ALAWYS or SOMETIMES or NEVER mix Oracle and Desktop Filer services on one filer?  :-)
-Bob B.