I did find a white paper that also gives some other
-- Adam Fox
As one who struggled with being able to explain space
reservations for a long time, I sympathize with the techpubs
so I'm going to give it a shot.
WARNING: If you understand how space reservations
work and don't want to read a rather long-winded explanation,
free to delete this now.
The first basic concept is that pretty much all SANs
virtualize LUNs somehow. I mean, to me, that's the point of a
If I didn't want to virutalize my LUNs, I'd just hook up a
direct attached JBOD and be done with it. So, WAFL
LUNs as files with special attributes. But if you
understand how snapshots work in a NAS context, you're about 70% of
way there when it comes to the SAN
First things first. You only need space reservations
(or some alternative) if you volume has LUNs and that volume has
snapshots. Let's assume
you have LUNs, but if you have LUNs and the volume is not
being snapshot'ed, then definitely turn off space
as they will never be used. Without snapshots, WAFL
behaves exactly like most traditional filesystems, it allocates new
on writes and deletes freed blocks as the client (or in
this case the host) requests.
Now, as soon as you introduce snapshots into this game, the
rules change. Just like in the NAS context, when a volume is
snapshot'ed all of the data blocks are, in effect, frozen
and if a block if over-written a new block is allocated instead in order
preserve the data in the snapshot. So, the question
becomes: where do these new blocks come form?
At first, WAFL treats the LUN just like any other
file. So, if there is a snap reserve in the volume, it would account for
(not move)
the old block in snap reserve, then allocate new
block. This leaves the usable filesystem size exactly the way it was when
started since the active filesystem can't write to the snap
reserve. However, most SAN volumes don't have snap reseve so
step is usually skipped, but if they did, it's important to
realize that this would work exactly the same way as a NAS
Next, if there's no snap reserve to play with (which is the
typical case), the block will be allocated from the free space in
volume. Again, no change from the NAS context.
If your snap reserve is full, the snapshot space "bleeds into" data
and net result is the available space in the volume goes
down (unlike the snap reserve case where it's stays the
Hopefully, everyone is following because at this point
things start to change.
Unlike NAS clients, SAN hosts see free space with respect
to their local filesystem, not WAFL. The host does not
the underlying WAFL layer and ONTAP does not see the
filesystem inside the LUN. So at some point, if at least one
snapshot exists, there can be the case where the underlying
WAFL volume runs out of blocks, but the filesystem inside
the LUN is reporting free space. If you've followed
so far, hopefully you see why. WAFL must be able to keep the
data blocks because they are in a snapshot, but the
filesystem inside the LUN has no knowlege of it so it thinks the
was freed. Well, SAN hosts REALLY don't like it when
they are told there is space to write so they write and are then
ENOSPC (out of space). Many apps will crash, blue
screen can abound, and generally a bad time is had by all. It's not
host's fault, it has no way of knowing what's going
There are several ways to handle this situation. Each
involves sacrificing something. You just have to decide which
your needs.
The first way is through space reservations. If we
hold enough space equal to the entire LUN back and only use it
we hit this condition (no snap reserve space, no free space
in the volume), then we will never hit this condition because
can over-write the entire LUN and the writes will never
fail. But there's a price, and in this case, the price is new
Once a volume goes into this condition where it's using
space reservations for new writes, no new snapshots can be
until more space is allocated or snapshots are deleted to
free up more space.
Now the thing most folks don't like about full space
reservations is holding all of that space back, especially if it's for
where the likleyhood of such a condition happening is not
very high. So, for them, WAFL has the concept of a fractional
This is where you don't reserve 100%, but a smaller
amount. But using this without any other methods is kind of like
thin provisioning all by itself. If you don't watch
what's going on, you could hit the bad condition where your host dies because
the volume is out of space. But if you know your data
patterns, maybe this is an option.
Starting in ONTAP 7.1, ONTAP introduced some alternative
methods. These can be used by themselves or in
with the other methods of handling this condition.
But, again, each has a price (there's no free lunch).
One is called autogrow. You can set up a policy where
when a FlexVol gets full, it will automatically grow. So it's
to use this as a backstop against your fractional reserve
or eliminate space reservagtions altogether and just make sure
got space in your aggregate to handle it. The price
here is obviously aggregate space and using this by itself does not
you will never hit the condition because you could run
out of space in the aggregate, or hit the policy limit.
Another method is snapshot autodelte. You can set
policy up that when a volume gets full, WAFL will begin to delete
snapshots until there is enough space. There are
exceptions to the rule (I believe SnapMirror baselines and active NDMP
snapshots wont' be deleted, but you get the idea). So
by deleting older snapshots you free up blocks to allow the writes. Of
the price here is you might have wanted those old snapshots
You can use these methods together so WAFL will try to grow
first, then delete snapshots or vice versa. And both of these
can be used with or without space reservations (full or
So bottom line. The order of block allocation when
snapshots are involved. 1) snap reserve, 2) free space in volume, 3) space
If you understand this, you'll usually get what's going
on. Which method (or combination of methods) you use to deal with this
space full
condition is totally up to you, your site, and your
priorities. There's no one answer as to which is the "best
practice". The best practice
is the one that makes sense to you and your data.
And, of course, you could deploy multiple methods on multiple aggrs and/or
as the data and SLAs dictate.
Anyway, I hope this is clear. If nothing else you get
some sympathy for the tech writers since this is not an easy subject. It
took me a
couple of years to be able to explain it this way and have
anyone else understand it.
-- Adam Fox
Hi Everyone,
thank you for the very beneficial lesson. So I
understand now that fractional reserve is to allow for new writes to a lun
(especially if you are taking snapshots)
But what is the best way to set
this? --- It appears that vol fractional reserve is set at the CLI level, but
seems like I can also set this up in SME & SD. If I set fractional reserve
to 50%, it shows in SME/SD that all the luns are set to 50%. But what does this
do to checking/unchecking 'lun space reserve' in FilerView --- What is the point
of doing this?
I have read all the tech docs from ntap, and they only
explain these in the most convulted way possible. Wish they put a doc on best
practices on when to turn these on/off.
Is anything ever written &
deleted from the fractional reserver space?? Or is it just there, in case things
go haywire?
On 3/8/07, Fox, Adam
Don't feel
too bad...space reservations takes time to digest.
reservations don't affect your ability to mount snapshots. Doing
fractional reserves is one way
to handle
snapshots on LUN volumes. Doing so carries some risk in that the volume
can run out of space
before the
LUN does. But if you know your change rate, you can use fractional
reserve if it fits your needs.
method you will find customers on 7.1 and later using is to not use space
reservations at all, leaving a
amount of free space in the volume, then setting up policies for autogrow
and/or auto snapshot delete
in case
you run over.
-- Adam Fox
NGS Tools Developer
I am having the hardest time understanding fractional
space reservations for volumes and lun space reservations.
If I reduce
fractional space reservations to a volume that contain luns, what happens to
lun space reservations? Is there a way to throttle lun space reservations --
as far as I can tell it's just a check box in Filerview....
The main
question I have is --- does setting fractional space reservation affect my
ability to mount snapshots. I assume that mounting snapshots does not take any
space since it's all read-only.... or am i wrong in assuming this?
assumption right now is that fractional space reserve is there if I ever need
to mount a snapshot to be read/write --- am I dead