I recently got this from a rather large 3 letter vendor who, until recently, had a lot of proprietary software.
My position is the same as yours Jack. I was running proprietary file systems and software fine before and I will run them fine afterwards. If the proprietary stuff is better than open source why would I run open source? So I can have the privilege of coding fixes in my copious spare time? Thanks but no thanks.
And honestly, to get all the Really Cool Stuff TN to work you pretty much have to get in bed with someone because we've all seen what open standards get us (Brocade and Cisco anyone?).
QCT Engineering Compute
> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com [mailto:owner-toasters@mathworks.com]
> On Behalf Of Jack Lyons
> Sent: Tuesday, October 09, 2007 5:24 PM
> Cc: toasters@mathworks.com
> Subject: FUD?
> I recently had someone tell me that I should be worried about the fact
> that WAFL is a proprietary format.
> Why should I care. If all the filers in the world should all of a
> sudden die than I wouldn't be able to use the storage elsewhere? I
> think I have some other concerns of a more pressing nature.
> Jack