Download ³Config Advisor² from the support site, I _think_ that it¹s
available to customers as well as partners. That¹ll give you a good
high-level overview of whether stuff is configured correctly. Also in the
MyAutosupport section of the support website it will give you advice and
high-level visibility of performance, and software revisions, etc...

On 11/02/2015 11:29, "Camillo Gornati" <> wrote:

>Hi all, today in the morning we had a little issue with our time sync,
>causing the CIFS service to stop working.
>Now that everything is back to normal, i would like to check with you
>guys how can check if my filer is 100% ok?
>We hava a FAS2040 (dual head fully licensed) 2 DS4243 24 disks on it.
>I want to know if in case of a hardware failure my my system will still
>be online, redundant.
>I am kind of new to netapp and assumed this system recently, hasn¹t been
>configured by me.
>Any help will do it..
>Toasters mailing list

Ed Morgan | Technical Consultant
M: 07875 628794
  ANS Group London Office
18 King William Street, London, EC4N 7BP


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