Confirmed for real for sure that the qtree security was NTFS. It really was (and other folders on the volume show NTFS ACLs as they should).

Was ready to try priv set advanced and rm from the root filer but first I tried again using rm -rf * from the linux CIFS mount. This time it worked.

Maybe there was an open handle to the folder. But this was under a folder that had been migrated to other storage, and the original had been renamed DO_NOT_USE and was supposedly idle for over a week. Hopefully I didn't just delete some data that some user was still modifying...

From: "Sebastian Goetze" <>
To: "Randy Rue" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 4:40:59 AM
Subject: Re: can't touch a CIFS folder?

Hi Randy,

did you try removing/renaming with wildcards? (rmdir _DIVA* )
That helped me sometimes, when a Dir/File was there but not directly accessible.

Do you have access to vFiler0? (I don't think it will work within a vFiler...)
Try priv set advanced ; rm ...

Also weird things can happen, if unicode isn't used.
I.e. create_unicode and convert_unicode options on the volume.

That's all that comes to my mind right now.


On 12.02.2013 06:42, Randy Rue wrote:

Hello All,


Got a subfolder on a CIFS only vfiler (NTFS qtree) that I can’t open, delete or rename, even though I’m connected as a user that’s a member of the local administrators for the vfiler. From a windows host if I right-click the folder and choose properties there isn’t even a permissions tab. Can’t seize ownership. Can’t open the folder (denied).


From a cifs-mounted linux host I also strike out but with odd errors.


[root@host]# mv _DIVA\ templates delete

mv: cannot stat `_DIVA templates': No such file or directory

[root@host]# ls

_DIVA templates


[root@host]# ls -al

total 24

drwxrwxrwx  3 root root    0 Feb 11 21:07 .

drwxrwxrwx 28 root root    0 Jan 28 12:23 ..

?---------  ? ?    ?       ?            ? _DIVA templates



Note that the folder is called “_DIVA templates” I’ve tried copying and pasting it a few different ways to see if maybe it had funky/non-printable characters in the name but it doesn’t appear so.


Any ideas?


Randy Rue

Seattle WA

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