You might consider using MultiStore to create multiple virtual servers. Then you could assign different administrators to just the shares you want.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday,
February 26, 2003 12:17 PM
Subject: CIFS administration
We have filers, which are used by multiple groups and multiple
administrators. We have a situation where administrators are requesting
the ability to kick users out of open files. Normally this is done
through server manager or through Win2k computer management, however unless the
users are added to the power users group on the filer, they are unable to view
the files in use (they get an access denied). I do not want to give our
entire administrative staff power user access on our filer. In a perfect
world I would be able to have the administrators only be able to manage the
shares they are responsible. Every solution I have found so far has been
an all or nothing solution. I know there are some products, such as Tivoli, but I am
looking for other creative solutions to my problem.