Thank you very much for your suggestion. home1 and home2 are volume names. What will the entry be in symlink.translations file or I don't need it for this set up?


Steve Losen wrote:

> Piggy backing off this thread. How will symlink.translation solve my problem? Below is
> our set up:
> Two filers with home1 home2 on filer A and home3 and home4 on filer B.
> Users A-E are on \\filerA\home1
> Users F-L are on \\filerA\home2
> Users M-Rare on \\filerB\home3
> Users S-Z are on \\filerB\home4
> How can I make mapping from NT or Win2k be the following:
> \\VirtualName\username
> or
> \\VirtualNameA\username and \\VirtualNameB\username
> Or what will be the best solution for this set up
> Thanks,
> Oye

I am assuming home1 and home2 are volume names.

I would set up cifs.home_dir on each filer with a symlink for each
user.  For example if user adam is on filerA in home1, and user beth
is in home2, I would have these symlinks:

adam -> /vol/home1/adam
beth -> /vol/home2/beth

Then I would educate my users like this:

If your username begins with A thru L, use


If your username begins with M thru Z, use


Steve Losen    phone: 434-924-0640

University of Virginia               ITC Unix Support