Can someone post from a vfiler the output of the command below, I'd like to see what you have for Allowed Capabilities and if it's a "*":

> useradmin user list root

On my vfiler I'm seeing nothing for  "Allowed Capabilities" and a script I was using has stopped working.  I can fix it by adding the group Administrators to root but I'd like to know what happen.

blackhaw@FAS3240B> useradmin user list root
Name: root                           
Info: Default vfiler root
Rid: 131073
Full Name:
Allowed Capabilities:
Password min/max age in days: 0/4294967295
Status: enabled

NetApp Release 8.0.2P6 7-Mode: Fri Jan 27 14:48:08 PST 2012


Pete Kain