Hi all,
I’m going to do a swap of a 6030 cluster appliances with a
6040 ones. I’ve some doubt regarding LUN id and serials and disk
ownership (6000 series perform the software ownership I know).
For which concern the LUNs both systems host a series of FC LUNs
(Windows, VMware) and I remember (maybe wrong) that could be some issues on LUN
serials changes and so on…is this correct?
The big concern regards the disk ownership. Times ago I’ve
replaced a fault 3140 head on a cluster and once restarted I have had to reassign
all the ownership to the disk yet pointing to the old sysid/name. I’m concerned
that changing the head from 6030 to the new 6040 the disk ownership remain to
the old 6030 and system will not start (missing mailbox disk and so on)…
There are some step to perform to be sure of successful hw upgrade?
Last: do you suggest me to upgrade to 7.3.2 (now is 7.2.x)
before OR after the hw upgrade?
Thank you in advance