As answer (to the few until now) that have expressed their opinions about that FB page I want to clarify that this does not want to substitute at all the mailing
I can understand some of the reasons and this would be just a kind of experimental startup.
On the other hands, if not with a free and quite easy to setup FB page, WHO should take the weight to create some “forum” page that could be better that a mailing
In all these years I’ve not seen a forum page and, after all, NetApp community pages do their job well.
Until now FC page has been joined by roughly 40 members, some of them from NetApp too.
We’ll see it. In the main time everybody is free to open new threads wherever he/she wants.
Da: []
Per conto di Milazzo Giacomo
Inviato: marted́ 24 novembre 2015 01:10
A: Toasters <>
Hi everybody,
don’t you think that time for mail newsgroup have passed? I think so.
I’ve just created a new group on Facebook and named it “NetApp Toasters”. I’ve also mutuated from the LinkedIn logo I’ve designed years ago a new one. And I please
NetApp to let me use their own as header.
I know that this could be another YAST where s stands for support
J … but considering that NetApp mailing list is active since years maybe this group could be.
Many advantages can be useful on using a FB group to share infos and comments and, moreover, to enclose same discussions in just one thread.
I’m alone with a few guys managing a group that I hope will grow on a daily base, so please be patient if your admission request could take one hour such one day.
Of course we all are professionals and any kind of content unpolite or inappropriate will be removed by the incontestable judgement of administrators.
Thank you in advance if you’ll appreciate it.
My best regards,
PS) mail sent to this address will be addressed as post…but not sure about this
Dott. Giacomo Milazzo
Senior Consultant & Technical Account Manager
mobile: +39 340.6001045
Viale dei Santi Pietro e Paolo 50
00144 - Roma RM Tel. +39 06 44243674 Fax +39 06 44245272