Hello Stephen,
This document, although already 12y old, is still a good reference.
Check pp7 and the following page(s) regarding load balancing.
“Port” distri function is generally known to be the preferred one when configuring an ifgrp, but it may also depend on the brand/type of switch stack to which you connected the nics of the controllers.
Good luck & best regards,
Peter Tas.
Neoria - Public
John Stoffel <john@stoffel.org>
Date: Tuesday, 4 February 2025 at 18:29
To: Stephen Stocke <scstocke@gmail.com>
Cc: toasters@teaparty.net <toasters@teaparty.net>
Subject: Re: Igfrp IP Distribution Function
>>>>> "Stephen" == Stephen Stocke <scstocke@gmail.com> writes:
> Greetings fellow toaster admins I hope someone can shed some light
> on the IP distribution function for lacp ifgrps.
You need to give more information on your setup, especially what kind
of switches you're using and how they're configured.
> We have a four port, multi mode lacp ifgrp, a0a, using interfaces
> e2a-e2d. We observe SnapMirror traffic egressing port e2c.
So? Why do you care?
> The XOR of the last two bits of the source and destination IPs are
> either x0 or x3 so I am expecting traffic to egress either the first
> or fourth port in the ifgrp.
> Assuming e2a is port 0, e2b is port 1, etc., I would expect traffic
> to egress either e2a (0x0) or e2d (0x3).
Share your config (cli output) so we can look at it.
> What am I missing? I can’t find any details about the actual hashing
> function for IP distribution or port member indexing in an ifgrp to
> confirm my assumptions.
> Both clusters are a single A250 HA pair running 9.15.1.
Are you seeing performance problems? Are you seeing that your traffic
isn't being balanced across all your links?
I guess I really don't understand the problem you're trying to solve,
unless oyu're just looking for info on why it works this way, which
might really be a Netapp only answer.
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