Hi Blake,

My brocade is being used to hand luns to servers. -- I take it SANOWN is used in metrocluster mode? or filer connectivity to shelves.

My real issue is that it appears the NTAP has lost connectivity to one of my brocades

I have a blade server running boot from SAN from NTAP. I have two switches on the blade chassis. Each blade has 2 connections to the NTAP cluster (port 0d & 0b -- for some reason, port 0d is always my active port and 0b is my proxy. Wish it was the other way around, but that's neither here nor there)

Anyway, I have 0d for both filers going through switch 1 and 0b for both filers going through switch 2. 0b is my proxy path. On my switch I see connectivity to NTAP and servers.

When I boot my server, only one of the hba's are seeing a NTAP lun. It used to be that both HBAs would see a NTAP lun, but only one would be active to boot.

I recently upgraded to Ontap 7.2 and then started using NTAP's DSM software for MPIO. Still running in partner mode.

Not sure if what I am seeing is related to my ontap/dsm upgrade. Has anyone else experienced anything similar?

I have not made any changes to the switch.

On 3/1/07, Blake Golliher <thelastman@gmail.com> wrote:
Nope it doesn't.  SANOWN but it'll depend.  Sanown is about how your
disks attach to the filerhead.  Is your brocade san configuration
about handing luns from a filer, or disk drives to the filer?

On the swtich  run switchShow, and look for the WWN of the filer,
which you can get from sysconfig -a.


On 3/1/07, Steven Mandrake < srmanager@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I recently replaced a brocade switch in my fabric. trying to see if my NTAP
> is connected to the switch.
> If I type normal commands like storage show fabric and switch -- I do not
> get a returned value.
> But one thing confuses me --- when I type 'storage show initiators' --- I
> get 'SANOWN not enabled'
> What does this mean? Now site doesn't have any information.
> Does this need to be enabled for NTAP to work on FC-SAN?