we have always turned off aggregate snaps and reserve, with tons of flex vols what does an aggregate snap buy you?  i would never snap restore an aggregate and roll back 50+ unrelated volumes.  each volume has its own snap schedule and is vaulted to another filer.

maybe im missing something but in 3 years of running 7.x i've never even thought about restoring an entire aggregate.

Daniel Leeds
Manager, Storage Operations
Edmunds, Inc.
1620 26th Street, Suite 400 South
Santa Monica, CA 90404

310-309-4999 desk
310-430-0536 cell

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-toasters@mathworks.com on behalf of tmac
Sent: Thu 1/31/2008 8:43 AM
To: letta@jlab.org
Cc: toasters@mathworks.com
Subject: Re: Aggr's at 100% with FlexVols

I believe it has to do with "recoverability" to a point...

There are snapshots at the AGGR level, if you max out the flexvols to 100%, there is no real
room left for aggr snaps.

You can turn off aggr snaps and set the aggr snap reserve to 0%, although I think it is not a best practice...


On Jan 31, 2008 10:25 AM, Paul Letta <letta@jlab.org> wrote:

          I know when traditional vols are in use, you don't want to let them
        get too close to full because performance will be affected.
        But what about using FlexVols and Aggrs ?
        I have a few Aggrs that are at 100%.  But the FlexVols in those Aggrs
        are mostly under 50%.
        I had a NetApp support person tell me that its bad to have Aggrs at
        100%, even if the FlexVols are not full.
        What's the answer here.  Does having Aggrs at 100% because the FlexVols
         contained in them are sized to fill the Aggr present a performance issue ?
        I would think that as long as the flexvols are not close to full, its ok
        to have the aggr's at 100%.


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