Most permissive permission always applies. So here, client will get RW from the "rw=-" statement. ro will be dropped as client gets most permissive permission when conflict.
Try it! You can also play with 'exportfs -c' (I think "-c" is the arg - give it a client name and it will show you what exported and how)
Best regards,
Kevin Parker
Mobile: 919.606.8737

From: [] On Behalf Of Conner, Neil
Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 6:28 PM
To: Toasters
Subject: Exports file

I want configure an exports file to grant a client ro access when I’ve excluded the subnet the client belongs to from rw access.

The man page reads: “You cannot exclude an NFS client identifier from the ro= or rw= option and include the same NFS client identifier in the other option”, but I’m wondering if that restriction applies to subnets.

This is what I have now:

/vol/vol0/dir1    -sec=sys,rw=-,root=adminhost

And I want something like this:

/vol/vol0/dir1    -sec=sys,ro=,rw=-,root=adminhost

Is this possible?