
Hi, the following article describes the procedure for what you're trying to do:


Anthony Bar

On Jul 1, 2015, at 5:01 PM, Rue, Randy <rrue@fredhutch.org> wrote:

Hello All,

I want to migrate the contents of a small file server to an 8.3 SVM and end up with the SVM having the same name in DNS, NetBIOS and the AD.

If this were a 7-mode vFiler I could re-run "cifs setup" and change the name to the existing name (after I'd powered down the old file server).

Can I do this in 8.3? While I can see commands for renaming an SVM that only appears to rename the SVM itself, not to do anything to the AD.

I can see how to add and remove netbios aliases (WINS entries) but again, nothing to do with the AD.

Do I have to remove and re-add the CIFS server? And lose all the CIFS shares? Or is there a way to rename the puppy?

Randy in Seattle

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