Yes aggregates can of cause be shared between multiple SVMs…. (erhm… I think a little polite rtfm is in order here?) 😉

And before you ask, you cannot use the two aggr0 root aggregates for any data volumes…





Fra: Toasters <> på vegne af "Rue, Randy" <>
Dato: onsdag den 8. juli 2020 kl. 00.23
Til: tmac <>
Cc: Toasters <>
Emne: Re: hardware or software based disk ownership?


I think I may just be looking at a limit of the system. If an aggregate is already assigned to one SVM, can it also be assigned to another? That is, can two different SVMs access the same aggregate?


netapp4::> vserver modify -vserver scharp_vm_storage -aggr-list scharpdata,scharp_vm_storage

netapp4::> vserver show
                               Admin      Operational Root
Vserver     Type    Subtype    State      State       Volume     Aggregate
----------- ------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ---------- ----------
netapp4     admin   -          -          -           -          -
netapp4-a   node    -          -          -           -          -
netapp4-b   node    -          -          -           -          -
scharp_kube data    default    running    running     scharp_    scharpdata
            data    default    running    running     scharp_vm_ scharp_vm_
                                                      storage_   storage
scharpdata  data    default    running    running     scharpdata scharpdata
6 entries were displayed.


On 7/7/2020 2:06 PM, tmac wrote:

Something may be getting lost here. Are you able to send any output?



Tim McCarthy, Principal Consultant

Proud Member of the #NetAppATeam

I Blog at TMACsRack




On Tue, Jul 7, 2020 at 4:47 PM Rue, Randy <> wrote:

I was misremembering from my early days in pre-cluster mode.

Forget any mention of disk ownership :)

Can an aggregate be used by more than one SVM? If so, how? When I try to
add the aggregate to the other SVM, the command returns without error
but vserver show still shows the SVMS and their assigned aggregates

On 7/7/2020 12:10 PM, John Stoffel wrote:
> Randy,
> Check your configuration, you need to assign the aggregates to the
> vservers.
> shows you the steps to take.
>        vserver show -fields aggr-list
>        vserver modify -vserver <vserver> -aggr-list <aggr1>,<aggr2>[,aggrN]
> John
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