Thats a rebaseline then.  Basically the snapvault stop deletes the destrination qtree in the relationship, copying all blocks in the current file system to snap reserve, then a snavault start, performs a new level 0 copy of the qtree into the current filesystem at the SV destinantion.  When the start is performed, a snapshot is created on the source and destination which acts as the common snapshot.
I dropped a big clanger and removed a load of baselines on my front end systems just over a year ago - this caused me to need to do approx 6Tb of rebaselines.  We keep SV's online for 13 months before backing off to tape - I am only just seeing the usage drop off as of last October, but the disks added to expand were for traditional volume expansions so I will need to trash these to recover disks at some stage.
Snapshots / Snapvaults are great, but a small mistake like deleting the base snapshot can cause a heck of a lot of work and sleepless nights !
I use snapmirror status -l andsnapvault status -l to list and determine what snapshots are in use, and are currently being referenced as the base .
I hope it is not too much data to rebaseline - good luck anyway !
----- Original Message -----
From: Glenn Walker
To: Glenn Walker ; Owens, Jeff ;
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 9:45 PM
Subject: RE: Snapvault question

This may help:




From: Glenn Walker
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:36 PM
To: Glenn Walker; 'Owens, Jeff'; ''
Subject: RE: Snapvault question


To clarify this further:


I _believe_ you can make use of VSM, then implement QSM\SV, but you would end up losing the existing snapvault relationships.


I’m not so sure the LREP is much of an improvement on this.


I hope I’m wrong.




From: [] On Behalf Of Glenn Walker
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 4:13 PM
To: Owens, Jeff;
Subject: RE: Snapvault question


The only way I know of doing a baseline snapshot with QSM\SnapVault would be utilizing LREP.


There are no snapshots at all in common??




From: [] On Behalf Of Owens, Jeff
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2007 3:20 PM
Subject: Snapvault question


Question for you guys.
I am snapvaulting data from a couple of FAS940's over to an R200.

I have lost one of my baseline snapshots on the primary filer and am unable to resync that snapvault since there is no baseline snapshot to reference from.

Is there any way to create another baseline snapshot ?
