-- Adam Fox
I'm new to managing Filers - I hope you'll put up
with a newb question or two while I get on my feet. I've not been left
entirely on my own here - but there are two unix guys here to mange a lot of
servers where before there were four of us .. and the two guys who had done this
job previously are the ones who left for greener pastures. So I've got a
mature and reasonably stable infrastructue to work with at least.
first task is to move a volume from a busy filer to a non-busy
1. The preferred method (for our shop, I'm told) is to use
I've got shell access to both filers, they can ping each other.
I've got a desination volume created.
ndmpcopy [options] source
The source and destination specify a hostname (no problem)
and aboslute pathname of the directory to be used for the transfer. Does
this mean the absolute pathname of the source/destination volume? Or ..
something else? If the former how do I find that?
2. Unless there
is a better way to do this? I can of course mount both volumes via NFS
from a 3rd host and simply move then but (from what I've read) ndmpcoy is a
better choice.
Brian Dunbar