Hi Skip,
We use for our
SQL-servers and Exchange servers indeed a private connection between de servers
and the filers. This give a really better response time, because there is no
competition between disk IO (to the logs and DB) and the client access. So yes,
do it.
It was not clear for me,
what protocol you use between the filer and your exchange server. When this is
CIFS, than you can improve the performance an stability by using ISCSI. We use
ISCSI for these applications, and that works great.
Best Regards,
Reinoud Reynders
University Hospital
SKIP HOFMANN [mailto:SKIP.HOFMANN@ttisg.com]
Verzonden: donderdag 5 augustus
2004 18:58
Aan: 'Bryant, Charlie'
CC: ''toasters@mathworks.com' ';
Onderwerp: Exchange question
Hi Charlie
Thanks again for coming
in yesterday and helping us out we really appreciated it. As explained
yesterday I'm going to email you my questions/concerns about the exchange
questions I had.
Currently we have are
exchange 5.5 DB and logs on our FAS250, the logs and DB are on separate Vol.
When we did a performance test yesterday on the FAS250 it did not appear to be
working hard, at times we did see a spike, but for the most part the system was
running below a high stress margin. The exchange DB is on the same Vol that
houses a CIFS share and this share is the Home directory for a lot of users. We
are planning on moving this data to a separate Vol so that our exchange DB
doesn't have to compete for access time and possibly get bogged down by this
CIFS share. The size of this CIFS share is 37 gigs. The exchange server and the
FAS 250 are running at GIG E. What I was thinking of doing to speed access time
from exchange to the FAS250 and hopefully from doing this our outlook clients will
stop getting pop ups requesting data is this.
Connect the 2nd
nic on the FAS with a cross over cable to the 2nd gigE card on our
exchange server. Currently our servers are on a 10.20.x.x segment so the 1st
nic on the FAS and the 1st nic on exchange are configured with this
ip scheme. I'm going to configure nic 2 on the filer and nic 2 on exchange with
a 192.168.x.x I'm doing this to try and force when the two servers need to talk
to each other they do it over the nic 2. The only reason the FAS needs to talk
to exchange and vice versa is because we have the DB and the logs on the
FAS250. If I can have a separate connection for this communication instead of
the communication having to go over the same nic card (nic1) then I'm thinking that
this should speed up access time, and Outlook clients should notice faster
Please let me know what
you think, and thanks again