Thanks to all the people who replied to my questions about NDMP restores from NetApp using Networker 6.1.1 on Solaris. Our issues were resolved (by NetApp) and the following findings made:
DAR (Direct Access Restore)
DAR is limited to 1024 files. If you try and recover more than
1024 files the restore
will complete without error but only 1024 files will be recovered.
This is in my opinion
a Networker bug. Could also find no documentation about this1024
files limit.
DAR is best used for recovering a few files from a large save set.
When trying to
recover hundreds of files the recover rate is very slow.
In order to use nwrecover for recovering many files you must take out
the line
"DIRECT=y" in client setup. The restore will parse the whole
saveset. Once finished,
remember to put DIRECT=y back again.
Recovering files past the browse policy
Our browse policy is set to 3 months but the media database is retained
for 15 years.
In order to recover files over 3 months old run the following command
to get the save
set information.
% mminfo -aV -c netapp (where netapp is the client name)
NetApp1Full.001 netapp
29 GB full /vol/unix
1351792385 1011913207 01/24/02 11:00:07 PM 04/27/02 01/24/17
0 30445916163
3 0 1351780097 30445916164 cbN
Load the tape manually and fast forward to the right place on the tape.
In the example
above the command would be mt -f nrst1a fsf 3 (where
nrst1a is the device name)
View the contents of the backup with
% restore tbf 60 nrst1a
To restore to a specific location use the following (rewind and fsf
if you ran a restore
tbf first)
% restore xbfD 60 nrst1a /vol/destination /vol/unix/file_to_recover
If you don't specify a restore location it will go to /vol/vol0.
Note, 60 is the block size which Networker defaults to.
best regards
Matt Musgrove