Hi Moshe,
We use datamotion of vFilers with NFS volumes for non-disruptive upgrades and maintenance
I heard this is not yet baked into 8.0x but is expected in 8.x
That said, we are looking forward to 64 bit aggrs (and their new size limits) in 8.x!

Fletcher Cocquyt
Principal Engineer
Information Resources and Technology (IRT)
Stanford University School of Medicine


On 8/25/11 7:08 AM, "Moshe.Linzer@nuvoton.com" <Moshe.Linzer@nuvoton.com> wrote:

We are currently running on our 3160, and I want to upgrade to 7.3.3 or later. Any reason not to go all the way to 8.0.2? My hardware is all supported (finally got rid of those old disk shelves).
And if we’re upgrading, do you usually upgrade disk and shelf FW as well? Is this a requirement? I seem to be one version behind on most of my FW right now.


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