Hello All,
I'm working on automating the synchronizing of CIFS shares on the vservers of one 8.3 cluster to their DR mirrors on another cluster. It occurs to me that this might be useful to other shops so I'm trying to up my game from my usual fairly sloppy code i.e. http://xkcd.com/1513/ with lots of SSH calls to the CLI and parsing text output sequentially, to something portable and standard enough to share.
Taking a look at the SDK/API with ZEDI as a guide to the objects involved and having a tough time getting started (never used much XML either). To make things muddier, the API I'm looking at "cifs-share-get-iter" apparently has a bug (http://community.netapp.com/t5/Software-Development-Kit-SDK-and-API-Discussions/Anyone-successfully-using-the-cifs-share-get-iter-API/td-p/73664) that I don't totally get. Maybe if I could understand the object as it's supposed to work first.
Any experience with the API? Looks like it's a few years old, is it used with 8.3?
Hope to hear from you,
Randy in Seattle
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