nope no snap protect.  autosize is off on all volumes.

if i move any volume off to another aggregate on another filer, the allocated space ends up matching the used space (well below this 12GB minimum for these nearly empty volumes).  

if I move an empty volume from another filer to this aggregate, the allocated space swells up to around this 12GB number.  so it seems to be something at the filer or aggregate level.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 11:52 AM, Tim McCarthy <> wrote:
Were these set up with snap protect?

Check the auto grow settings.

Sent from Mobile Outlook

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 11:37 AM -0800, "Mike Thompson" <> wrote:

Thanks Andrei - sorry forgot to add to my previous response in the thread, no dedupe in use.

On Wed, Dec 9, 2015 at 1:26 AM, <> wrote:

Do you use deduplication by any chance?



With best regards


Andrei Borzenkov

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From: [] On Behalf Of Mike Thompson
Sent: Wednesday, December 09, 2015 11:07 AM
To: Lists
Subject: cdot missing disk space


Hey all,

I've got a cluster running cluster-mode 8.0.5 (don't laugh) that has an aggregate which is reporting much higher used size than I can account for based on the volumes contained on it.

according to 'aggr show' and 'df -A' the aggregate has around 17T of space consumed.

bc-gx-4b::> aggr show -aggregate gx4b_1 -fields size, usedsize, availsize
aggregate size    usedsize availsize
--------- ------- -------- ---------
gx4b_1    18.40TB 17.08TB  1.32TB

though per my database, a tally of all the volumes contained on this aggregate, the total amount of space consumed by the volumes is only about 12.5T of space, so a significant amount is being soaked up by something.

I get the same numbers from the command line as well:

ssh admin@bc-gx-4b "set -units MB; vol show -aggregate gx4b_1 -fields used" | egrep "^bc" | awk '{print $3}' | sed 's/[^0-9]*//g' | paste -sd+ | bc

so the sum of the volumes is about 12.5T, but the aggregate thinks there is 17T used.


it's been in this state for some time.  There haven't been any volumes recently moved off or deleted, so there isn't any space being recovered in the background.

'vol show -state offline' and 'set diag; vol lost-found show' isn't reporting anything.

Any ideas on how I might figure out what is sucking up the un-reported space?