I believe Brandon is correct here, you will need to specify the order of interfaces manually if you use this option so take care when building your lists as well.   Nextavail usually does the job but I have seen some instances where caution wasn’t taken building the failover group and it didn’t work properly.   So paying all due attention to the buildout of failover groups is really important no matter which option you use here (except disabled, for obvious reasons).


Good luck!


From: toasters-bounces@teaparty.net [mailto:toasters-bounces@teaparty.net] On Behalf Of Brandon Kitchen
Sent: Thursday, May 28, 2015 10:22 AM
To: Mark Flint
Cc: Toasters
Subject: Re: CDOT failover groups in 8.2.1P6



I believe you'll have to monkey with the failover policy on your LIFs if you want to control it. When using nextavail, I don't believe you can control order. When using priority, you can IIRC.


From page 52 of the cDOT 8.2 Network Management Guide:


·         -failover-policy: Enables you to specify the order in which the network ports are chosen during a LIF failover and enables you to prevent a LIF from failing over.
This parameter can have one of the following values:

·         nextavail (default): Enables a LIF to fail over to the next available port, preferring a port on the current node.
In some instances, a LIF configured with the
nextavail failover policy selects a failover port on a remote node, even though a failover port is available on the local node. No outages will be seen in the cluster, because the LIFs continue to be hosted on valid failover ports.

·         priority: Enables a LIF to fail over to the first available port specified in the user-defined failover group (failover targets can be shown with the network interface show - failover command).

·         disabled: Disables (prevents) a LIF from failing over. 


Brandon Kitchen

Datalink OneCall Support Phone: 800.291.3230
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On May 28, 2015, at 10:56 AM, Mark Flint <mf1@sanger.ac.uk> wrote:

Does anyone know if you can re-order the entries within a failover group?  My understanding of this is that it’s an automagically

created list, but I’d be real happy to find out I’m misunderstanding the docs :)



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