Hi Not sure if I should be paranoid or not.
but can anyone explain to me what interrupts are when using hte fcp stats command?
I having a performance problem and ESX Administration says that certain ESX servers are loosing connection to their LUNs, but the Netapp doesn't report anything and neither do the FC switches.
Statistics for adapter 1b
Read Ops: 871
Write Ops: 10987
Other Ops: 412
KBytes In: 71180
KBytes Out: 7713
Adapter Resets: 0
Frame Overruns: 0
Frame Underruns: 0
Initiators Connected: 18
Link Breaks: 0
LIP Resets: 0
SCSI Requests Dropped: 0
Interrupts: 31203
Spurious Interrupts: 0
Total Logins: 0
Total Logouts: 0
CRC Errors: 0
Queue Depth: 0