No weird messages in the syslog.


> cifs stat

                        reject        0  0%

                         mkdir        0  0%

                         rmdir        0  0%

                          open        0  0%

                        create        0  0%

                         close      107  0%

                       X&close        0  0%

                         flush        0  0%

                       X&flush        0  0%

                        delete        0  0%

                        rename        0  0%

                      NTRename        0  0%

                        getatr        0  0%

                        setatr        0  0%

                          read        0  0%

                        X&read        0  0%

                         write        0  0%

                       X&write        0  0%

                          lock        0  0%

                        unlock        0  0%

                         mknew        0  0%

                        chkpth        0  0%

                          exit        0  0%

                         lseek        0  0%

                      lockread        0  0%

                    X&lockread        0  0%

                   writeunlock        0  0%

                      readbraw        0  0%

                     writebraw        0  0%

                        writec        0  0%

                     gettattre        0  0%

                     settattre        0  0%

                      lockingX        0  0%

                           IPC       12  0%

                         open2        0  0%

                   find_first2       41  0%

                    find_next2        0  0%

                 query_fs_info        5  0%

               query_path_info       30  0%

                 set_path_info        0  0%

               query_file_info       24  0%

                 set_file_info        8  0%

                   create_dir2        0  0%

                  Dfs_referral        9  0%

                    Dfs_report        0  0%

                          echo       47  0%

                    writeclose        0  0%

                         openX        0  0%

                         readX       89  0%

                        writeX     1800  0%

                     findclose        0  0%

                          tcon        0  0%

                          tdis       42  0%

                       negprot        9  0%

                         login       34  0%

                        logout        6  0%

                         tconX        9  0%

                       dskattr        0  0%

                        search        0  0%

                        fclose        0  0%

                     NTCreateX      429  0%

                 NTTransCreate        0  0%

                  NTTransIoctl        0  0%

                 NTTransNotify        9  0%

                 NTTransSetSec        0  0%

               NTTransQuerySec        0  0%

              NTNamedPipeMulti        0  0%

                   NTCancel CN        3  0%

                NTCancel Other        0  0%

                      SMB2Echo        0  0%

                   SMB2Negprot       63  0%

              SMB2TreeConnnect      896  0%

            SMB2TreeDisconnect       34  0%

                     SMB2Login      126  0%

                    SMB2Create     1767  0%

                      SMB2Read   268979 27%

                     SMB2Write   709851 71%

                      SMB2Lock        0  0%

                    SMB2Unlock        0  0%

                SMB2OplkBrkAck        0  0%

                    SMB2ChgNfy        7  0%

                     SMB2CLose      951  0%

                     SMB2Flush      855  0%

                    SMB2Logout        0  0%

                    SMB2Cancel        5  0%

                 SMB2IPCCreate        0  0%

                   SMB2IPCRead        0  0%

                  SMB2IPCWrite        0  0%

                  SMB2QueryDir     4738  0%

        SMB2QueryFileBasicInfo        0  0%

         SMB2QueryFileStndInfo        0  0%

          SMB2QueryFileIntInfo        0  0%

           SMB2QueryFileEAInfo        0  0%

          SMB2QueryFileFEAInfo        0  0%

         SMB2QueryFileModeInfo        0  0%

          SMB2QueryAltNameInfo        0  0%

       SMB2QueryFileStreamInfo        0  0%

          SMB2QueryNetOpenInfo        0  0%

          SMB2QueryAttrTagInfo        0  0%

           SMB2QueryAccessInfo        0  0%

      SMB2QueryFileUnsupported        0  0%

          SMB2QueryFileInvalid        0  0%

            SMB2QueryFSVolInfo      174  0%

           SMB2QueryFSSizeInfo        0  0%

            SMB2QueryFSDevInfo        0  0%

           SMB2QueryFSAttrInfo      174  0%

         SMB2QueryFSFullSzInfo     4819  0%

          SMB2QueryFSObjIdInfo        0  0%

            SMB2QueryFSInvalid        0  0%

         SMB2QuerySecurityInfo        0  0%

              SMB2SetBasicInfo        0  0%

             SMB2SetRenameInfo        0  0%

           SMB2SetFileLinkInfo        0  0%

           SMB2SetFileDispInfo       85  0%

             SMB2SetFullEAInfo        0  0%

               SMB2SetModeInfo        0  0%

              SMB2SetAllocInfo        0  0%

                SMB2SetEOFInfo        0  0%

            SMB2SetUnsupported        0  0%

            SMB2SetInfoInvalid        0  0%

           SMB2SetSecurityInfo        0  0%

       SMB2FsctlPipeTransceive        0  0%

             SMB2FsctlPipePeek        0  0%

        SMB2FsctlEnumSnapshots        0  0%

         SMB2FsctlDfsReferrals      327  0%

            SMB2FsctlSetSparse        0  0%

          SMB2FsctlSecureShare        0  0%

      SMB2FsctlFileUnsupported        0  0%

       SMB2FsctlIpcUnsupported        0  0%

                   cancel lock        0

                     wait lock        0

                 copy to align        0

                  alignedSmall     5915

                  alignedLarge     1523

               alignedSmallRel        0

               alignedLargeRel        0

                 FidHashAllocs        0

                 TidHashAllocs        0

                 UidHashAllocs        0

                      mbufWait        0

                       nbtWait        0

                      pBlkWait        0

              BackToBackCPWait        0

                       cwaWait        0

             short msg prevent       31

                   multipleVCs        2

                   SMB signing        0

              mapped null user        0

                    PDCupcalls        0

                     nosupport        0

                read pipe busy        0

               write pipe busy        0

               trans pipe busy        0

              read pipe broken        0

             write pipe broken        0

             trans pipe broken        0

               queued writeraw        0

                nbt disconnect       71

                smb disconnect        0

                dup disconnect       62

            OpLkBkXorBatchToL2        0

          OpLkBkXorBatchToNone        0

                OpLkBkL2ToNone        0

              OpLkBkNoBreakAck        0

            OpLkBkNoBreakAck95        0

            OpLkBkNoBreakAckNT        0

              OpLkBkIgnoredAck        0

          OpLkBkWaiterTimedOut        0

            OpLkBkDelayedBreak        0

           SharingErrorRetries        0

                  FoldAttempts        0

                   FoldRenames        0

            FoldRenameFailures        0

                 FoldOverflows        0

                FoldDuplicates        0

               FoldWAFLTooBusy        0

               NoAllocCredStat        0

             RetryRPCcollision        0

                  TconCloseTID        0

               GetNTAPExtAttrs        0

               SetNTAPExtAttrs        0

                    SearchBusy        0

                ChgNfyNoMemory        0

                ChgNfyNewWatch        4

               ChgNfyLastWatch        3

             UsedMIDTblCreated       24

           UnusedMIDTblCreated       15

             InvalidMIDRejects        0

          SMB2InvalidSignature        0

     SMB2DurableCreateReceived     1460

    SMB2DurableCreateSucceeded      546

    SMB2DurableReclaimReceived      307

   SMB2DurableReclaimSucceeded       18

    SMB2DurableHandlePreserved      186

       SMB2DurableHandlePurged        8

      SMB2DurableHandleExpired      164

               SMB2FileDirInfo        0

           SMB2FileFullDirInfo        0

         SMB2FileIdFullDirInfo        0

           SMB2FileBothDirInfo     3629

         SMB2FileIdBothDirInfo      803

             SMB2FileNamesInfo        0

        SMB2FileDirUnsupported        0

                 SMB2QueryInfo     5167

                   SMB2SetInfo       85

                     SMB2Ioctl      327

        SMB2RelatedCompRequest      780

      SMB2UnRelatedCompRequest        0

               SMB2FileRequest   992418

               SMB2PipeRequest      343

                 SMB2nosupport        0

Max Multiplex = 49, Max pBlk Exhaust = 0, Max pBlk Reserve Exhaust = 0

Max FIDs = 204, Max FIDs on one tree = 17

Max Searches on one tree = 1, Max Core Searches on one tree = 0

Max sessions = 27

Max trees = 103

Max shares = 9

Max session UIDs = 2, Max session TIDs = 5

Max locks = 126

Max credentials = 26

Max group SIDs per credential = 4

Max pBlks = 1024 Current pBlks = 999 Num Logons = 0

Max reserved pBlks = 32 Current reserved pBlks = 32

Max gAuthQueue depth         = 3

Max gSMBBlockingQueue depth  = 4

Max gSMBTimerQueue depth     = 3

Max gSMBAlfQueue depth       = 1

Max gSMBRPCWorkerQueue depth = 1

Max gOffloadQueue depth      = 2

Local groups: builtins = 6, user-defined = 1, SIDs = 7

RPC group count = 10, RPC group active count = 0

Max Watched Directories = 6, Current Watched Directories = 5

Max Pending ChangeNotify Requests = 4, Current Pending ChangeNotify Requests = 2

Max Pending DeleteOnClose Requests = 3072, Current Pending DeleteOnClose Requests = 24



/ Marcus


-----Original Message-----
From: Jack Lyons []
Sent: den 29 juli 2012 19:10
To: Nilsson Marcus;; tmac; alonz
Subject: Re: Ontap 8.1 performance issue


Are you seeing pBLK exhaustion messages in the logs?

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


-----Original Message-----

From: Nilsson Marcus <>

Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 18:11:08

To:<>;<>; tmac<>; alonz<>


Subject: RE: Ontap 8.1 performance issue


It only lasts for a couple of minutes. I've set up an alert in DFM to kick of a script to start perfstat when latency exceeds 20ms. Hopefully that will do the trick.






-----Original Message-----

From: Jack Lyons []

Sent: den 29 juli 2012 12:42

To: Nilsson Marcus;; tmac; alonz


Subject: Re: Ontap 8.1 performance issue


How long do the spikes last?


I think with dfm you can set an alert based on latency and email an operator to kick off a perfstat.



Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry


-----Original Message-----

From: Nilsson Marcus <>


Date: Sun, 29 Jul 2012 07:48:25

To: tmac<>; alonz<>


Subject: RE: Ontap 8.1 performance issue



I have a 3210 single controller system with intermittent latency spikes. The system has 48 x 3 TB disks. We went with ONTAP 8.1 to utilize big aggregates. Two aggregates has been created, one with 16 disk and another with 31 disk. The latency spikes affect volumes from both aggregates (at the same time). It's a CIFS only system running SMB2.


Upgrading to ONTAP 8.1P2 has not resolved the latency spikes on this system, see screenshot from DFM:


I have not tried 8.1.1RC1. Disk utilization is not peaking.


I have an open support ticket with NetApp, they want me to capture a perfstat log during the latency spikes. This has proven difficult since the spikes are so intermittent.



Any suggestions on how to track this down are welcome.



Thanks, Marcus



From: [] On Behalf Of tmac

Sent: den 26 juli 2012 23:00

To: alonz


Subject: Re: Ontap 8.1 performance issue


Looks like 8.1P2 was just released in the last 24 hours..

On Jul 26, 2012 4:47 PM, "Alon Zeltser" <> wrote:



-------- Original message --------

Subject:RE: Ontap 8.1 performance issue

From:Alon Zeltser <>

To:"Klise, Steve" <>





Yes this  include  p1 according to netapp support  this should be fixed at p2 schedule to be released at end of the month  



Sent from Samsung Mobile"Klise, Steve" <> wrote:


Was this noticed also on 8.1p1?  Looks like there were some good fixes in the p release.


Thanks in advance.


From: [] On Behalf Of Alon Zeltser

Sent: Thursday, July 26, 2012 11:01 AM


Subject: Ontap 8.1 performance issue



Hi all

As a netapp ASP I spent quite alot of my time installing netapp's at costumers  site and resolving their issues and I wanted to share  my recent experience with 8.1 Usually I try to avoid RC release but until recently the fas22xx didn't gave us much choice Once the 8.1 GA released I felt more free to install this release.

 but after I started to get performance complains from my costumers I wasn't so sure After investigating some of the complains I felt  that they  are justified something is off in system

 I can't put my finger on it but its looks the system don't perform as expected even though the system don't look busy.

After opening support cases at netapp one of the engineers told me that they also gets alot of performance  cases with this release an  even though he can't find a bug that feets with our logs and perfstat he recommend upgrade to 8.1.1rc1 Following his advise after upgrade  I saw major performance improvment I mean throughput went up from 70-80 MB/s to 250-300 MB/s  and latency also went down The same result occurred on more then one 8.1 system after upgrade to 8.1.1rc1 I saw at least 50% improvment in throughput

 Today on new system I install I completely skip th  GA version an  go straight to 8.1.1rc1 So my advice if you on this release  and suffering from performance and don't know if you have enough disks or the right controller upgrade  first then check





Sent from Samsung Mobile



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